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The Community Outreach Division delivers Miami SAO services directly to residents

Miami SAO’s success is directly linked with our community ties. Our work extends far beyond the courthouse as we reach into our community to build and strengthen relationships that enhance community safety.

Through the Miami-Dade State Attorney’s Community Outreach Division (COD), State Attorney Katherine Fernandez Rundle educates Miami-Dade County residents about the resources available to them and how they can use them.

Although the Miami-Dade State Attorney’s Office is primarily a prosecuting agency, the office takes great pride in offering many diverse programs and that reduce crime and provide resources for South Florida families. The team partners with local groups and agencies to provide assistance with sealing criminal records, supporting witness and crime victim services, and evaluating grant support opportunities.

Our attorneys and Community Outreach Specialists are trusted and experienced professionals who provide a familiar and friendly connection between government agencies and our diverse community.

Contact Information


Office of State Attorney Katherine Fernandez Rundle

Community Outreach Division

1350 NW 12th Avenue
Miami, FL 33136

Phone: (305) 547-0724


Nilo Cuervo

